Tag-along at Western Flora Caravan Park

What an incredible journey this morning – we were so lucky to hear where the orchids were on the radio, whilst in Geraldton.

Allan & Lorraine Tinker own this amazing 160 acre park, abutting another nature reserve. The owners of 10 vehicles met up this morning and set off for an exciting and rewarding experience. Allan has massive knowledge of where plants are, as well as how they are propagated. We heard about the importance of 130+ species of native bees, all of which play a roll in the pollination of orchids and plants, (as well as moths and birds), 10 being specifically attracted to their own orchid, or plant.

He took us to areas of bush were a deliberate burn had taken place, which gives all the small flowering plants a chance again to regenerate. After time, the larger bushes shade them again and they don’t blossom, but the seeds of the orchids and smaller wildflowers are left in the ground, until the next fire. Some orchids take 18 months to germinate.

We are incredibly fortunate to be here at this time – two weeks either side may have made the difference to our viewing.

We have seen Smoke Bush, Arrowsmith Spider Orchid, Crimson Spider Orchids, Blue Fairy Orchid, Daddy Long Legs, Lemon Scented Sun Orchid, and more!

We’ll let the photos tell the story . . . . . (I’ve given up trying to position the photos – whatever I do doesn’t work).

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