Cania Gorge NP

31st July, 2007

We have finally arrived at Cania Gorge right next to the National Park, after leaving the beautiful sunsets of Eurimbula NP.


The ‘finally’ refers to our ‘short cut’, which took us over the steepest mountain we’ve every travelled, only to come across at sign 50kms down the track to say “road not suitable for caravans or trailers”).  We had to retrace our steps and do an extra 200kms.To add insult to injury, we are covered in sand fly bites, which are almost unbearable.

This morning we went to Monto to get some prescriptions and supplies, but have to return tomorrow, as one of my prescriptions has been taken off the register, so I’ll have to get another script.  Looks like we might have lunch in Monto tomorrow.

We have just returned from a four kilometre walk (half of which was steps), to Dripping Rock and The Overhang, through cool rainforest and the towering sandstone cliffs and caves. The ferns were delicate and varied, with elk horns growing off overhead rocks, tree ferns alongside grasstrees, with vines amongst the few long-standing cedars. During the entire walk, the sound of the Lewin’s Honeyeater, could be heard.  A truly spectacular place!

ferns-in-cania-gorge-np overhang-at-cania-gorge

In the caravan park, there is bird feeding time at, so the sound of lorikeets, butcherbirds and currawongs fill the air. The owners of the park have five chickens, that freely roam the park and the forest – really free range – and they return at the same time every night. As I’m typing this, the sun has dropped, along with the temperature. On go the jeans, jumpers and shoes and it might be time to pack things away.

view-from-camp-at-cania-gorge walk-into-russell-gorge-cania-np

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2 Responses to Cania Gorge NP

  1. Cameron says:

    It’s a really beautiful country – your photo’s look great! how did the car go up the steep hill with the camper?

  2. Russ says:

    The car has performed exceptionally well and handled all the challenges. Got a bit of dust inside but considering how dusty the roads were, it is not surprising. Sliding around in the mud with the caravan in tow sharpens the mind no end.

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