Our trip from Bourke to Lake Cargelligo was, in Russ’s words, “unbelievable”. We have never seen the surrounding bush so lush and healthy. Our 5 hour trip was not the slightest bit boring. Water beside the road most of the way to Cobar, wildflowers, grasses and green everywhere.
From Cobar to Lake Cargelligo, the eucalypts changed to Mallees (which we love),the road was lined with purple, clumps of white, mauve, masses of yellow and acacia bushes, covered in flowers. What a sight!
We stopped at the only little building between Cobar and Lake Cargelligo, which was a funny little pub at Mt Hope. Mt Hope has 10 residents and 4 houses. A bit of a change from the late 1800s, when 3000 people lived there and the two copper mines were in full production! We have never seen green spinifex before, so we took a photo to prove it!
On arrival at Lake Cargelligo, we were amazed to see the lake. Last time we were here, all we saw was a muddy, grassy plain. We had no idea of the massive size of it. It is fed by the Lachlan River.
After speaking to a local, who has been here since 1961, the lake completely dried up on the 19/12 last year, stranding hundreds of carp. I’ve found a photo off the internet and we have taken a photo of today’s lunch spot to follow.
(Sorry it’s so blurry)
Our quiet little picnic was interrupted by magpies, going off their heads at what we thought were mudlarks, until a fast moving brown snake was making headway towards our picnic table!! I called out “snake” and headed for the car and Russ was on top of the table ‘in no time flat’. It moved on to a sunnier spot, with us returning to finish our lunch. No photo of the snake is available, as the lens couldn’t see it at 100 feet!!
We have seen a lot of snakes, loads more than ever before. I nearly trod on one at Woody Head, almost a month ago. They must love all the frogs and insects about as a result of all the rain.
We are heading home tomorrow, via Cocoparra National Park, Milawa, then home.
Sounds fantastic and the photos are great! Sounds like you moved faster than me facing a goanna!! 🙂