After listening to a discussion on the radio, about orchids, we headed to Canna,
where we went to the “general store”, (now a Landmark centre), – closed – but excellent maps and information left out by the door [out of the howling gale], for a donation, on where to find orchids. As directed, parked a the back of the Lutheran Church, set off down the track and were greeted by donkey orchids, pink fairy orchids, snail orchids (small greenhoods), and a blue fairy orchid – four new orchids!
Another short drive to Canna Dam, where again we saw spider orchids, searched for
shell orchids, without success, but lunched at Old Camp, where the ram shackled remains of a WW1 soldier’s corrugated home was in tatters. After the loss of his wife and child in WW1, the Englishman moved to WA and was a pumper at Canna. It sounded as if he was much loved by the locals, who affectionately called him “Mack”.
The Magno men loved his place – had quite an attraction to it, as you might imagine
and we had quite a time getting them back into the car, as all they wanted to do was dance along the doorway and try to break away from us! Can you find the magno men in the doorway???
Now your just showing 🙂 just gets better and better, great photos