The camping area at Weetootla Gorge was being developed and re-arranged and some seedling trees planted so in a few years it should be really attractive, at the moment it is a bit bare, but we are happy with our campsite which has a table and fireplace. The long-drop toilet is new and not at all smelly so that was appreciated and drinking water is available from a tank next to the toilet. Hot showers can be had at the ranger’s station about 6 Km drive away.
On the way into camp on the main Arkaroola Road we passed Balcanoona Creek that runs through Weetootla Gorge and the cliff that abuts it were impressive.
We headed for Arkaroola the next day which is about 30 Km away. It is a sanctuary established privately in the 1940s. The area is very rugged, and all the driving tracks are quite narrow, rough and stony. The rugged hills, of which there are many, have their own rugged beauty. This hill is the backdrop to the caravan park.
We headed off to Stubbs water hole along a windy, twisty and stony track only about 6 Km but it took about 30 minutes such was the status of the track. Fortunately, only one vehicle came toward us in the other direction and that was in a spot we could slowly pass as there were very few passing spots. Stubbs water hole was dry but still as good spot for a break and a BBQ lunch. We took the phone tripod but forgot to take a photo of us having lunch. There were numerous caves in the rock faces around the waterhole and some artwork, but we thought it too fresh to be original aboriginal artwork. Here are some photos.
On the way back to camp we realised that the road into camp is quite attractive and provides a good view of the Gammon Ranges. and the start of the gorge.
It is hard to get a good photo of the range as it runs for such a long distance so it looks a bit insignificant in a photo. This is the range that runs north east from the gorge.
In places the road into camp which is 5 Km long, is quite rough as it crosses Balcanoona Creek a number of times, and the creek is very rocky. The river red gums that follow the creek are massive and wonderful trees.
On Monday we walked up Weetootla Gorge for a 2.2 Km return walk. They had markers every 200 metres which we thought was a great idea, also lots of labels on native plants and trees and signs with photos and descriptions of native flora and their uses in the first 400 metres of the walk. There were a few wildflowers in bloom.
The sides of the gorge tower above you as you walk along a meandering path that is reasonably smooth for a change.
It is interesting that the creeks in the gorges in the Flinders and Gammon Ranges are very rocky and have lots of trees and bushes growing in them whereas the creeks in the gorges of the MacDonnell Ranges are wide and sandy and have only a few big trees growing and then mostly at the sides of the creek. This maybe related to the intensity of the rain when it does fall.
On Tuesday we headed off to Wilmington for a couple of days where we will visit Mt Remarkable National Park and Alligator Gorge.
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