
Cam, Mel, Deen, Rhys, Millie, Heath, Cooper and I decided to camp as a family at Lakes Bushland Caravan Park for a couple of significant dates.  April 1st would have been Margies 70th birthday and the 8th our 50th wedding anniversary, so it has been a bittersweet holiday.  Ken, the manager here, gave us four sites together for the price of three and allocated two of Cam’s boys to my site and Deens to save cost, which was great.  The park is very quiet with only one other camper and a few people in cabins.  The weather has been perfect, sunny, and low to mid 20s, lots of birds to enjoy and a few persistent possums to chase away.

20170401 Camp at Nicholson MedWe remembered Margies 70th around a campfire with some delicious wines and food and toasted the memory of a wonderful woman.  We shared good memories and shed a few tears.  We finished with a 1947 Penfolds Para Port, which was excellent.  There was only one thing missing!

20170401 Toasting Margie at Nicholson Med

Sunday took us to Parks Victoria’s Nyerimilang Homestead, a wonderful old holiday home with beautiful views of Lake King and Fraser Island (where we stayed with friends a few years ago).  Gardens surround the home with a grassed picnic area and an electric BBQ that would have cooked our lunch for breakfast the next day!  Fortunately we had packed wood so in no time the sausages were sizzling on a fire BBQ.  After a BBQ lunch we strolled around the house and gardens and read about the history of Nyerimilang.  Originally built as a gentleman’s holiday home, it became a working farm until purchased by the government in 1976.

A very cool breeze on Monday saw us off to Metung for a counter lunch at the Metung Hotel.  Good food, great views.  On the way we looked at Cam and Mel’s land in Metung which has a view over Lake King

20170403-3929 View from Metung Hotel Med

20170403-3925 Cam's Block at Metung Med

Our visit to Metung was completed with a walk around the foreshore.  On the way we passed a model of Charles Edward a steamer that used to ply the lakes.  I blocked out the supports of the steamer in the photo so it would look like it was on the lake, now it just looks like a flying ship!

20170403 Rhys and Millie at Metung Med20170403 Charles Edward at Metung Med



Tuesday was roast lamb day so we had 3 camp ovens on the go and 2 fire drums to keep up the supply of coals.  Lamb was accompanied with potatoes, parsnip, pumpkin, and asparagus, topped of with gravy I made – all delicious.  On Wednesday Deen and I visited Fairy Dell rainforest near Bruthen for a picnic lunch and a walk through the rainforest.  A lovely walk and very cool compared to the eucalypt forest surrounding it.

20170404-3937 Roast Night at Nicholson Med 20170404-3933 Walk at Fairy Dell Med



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2 Responses to Nicholson

  1. Barb Gifford says:

    A wonderful way to remember a wonderful woman.
    Thinking of you all.

  2. Russ says:

    Thanks Barb, we had lots of good memories to share and it was a good place to do that, not many people and good things to do in the area. xx

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