That’s Nelson the place not Nelson the man! I had an enjoyable drive from Goolwa to Nelson around Lakes Alexandrina and Albert and along the Coorong. Lake Alexandrina was named after Princess Alexandrina who later became Queen Victoria. The drive along the Coorong was very enjoyable with views over the water alternating with coastal bush alongside the road. I’m staying in Kywong Caravan Park in Nelson right next to Glenelg River National Park. Nelson is in South-West Victoria on the coast near the SA border. Glenelg River National Park is a great park with a number of wonderful campsites right on the river, some even have septic toilets, all have fireplaces and picnic tables. Great pace for canoeing, kayaking, and fishing either from a boat or off the jetties that are at most campsites. I had a picnic at Pritchards camping area and enjoyed conversing with a couple of grey nomads camping there.
On another day I went to Port Macdonnell in SA, the home base of the largest lobster fishing fleet in Australia and enjoyed a meal of calamari at Periwinkles Cafe, Marg and I went there once before for lunch and the wind nearly blew us back to Nelson, 30 Km away. Also visited Picininni Ponds, which are water filled sink holes in limestone rock, beautiful crystal clear water, craggy limestone walls and lots of water plants. They are very popular with divers. Unfortunately the ripples stop the photo showing the clarity of the water.
Tomorrow I start the journey home so this will be my last blog until next trip. Thank you for your many comments and positive feedback. You have helped me get through what has been a very emotional and nostalgic trip, my first camping trip without Margie in a very long time. To say that I missed her would be an understatement, but you all have helped. Thank you.
Thoroughly enjoyed being on the journey with you Russ. Will be good to catch up when you are home. We currently have our boy Shaun home from Nelson, Canada and he was amused to see you staying at Nelson. Much Barry& Rhon xx
It will be good to catch up Rhon. I saw on Facebook that Shaun was coming to Australia, you must be so pleased to see him. It is a coincidence that I am in Nelson as he is usually. Love to you all Russ XX
I’m glad you kept up the blog. It helped us too! xxx
That’s good. xxx
Read every one of your blogs and showed the boys where you’ve been. You’ve kept up Marg’s blogging standards, so thank you ;). Great that you add so many photos, the maps with your route was really helpful. And good to see a glass of wine in your hand in each photo of you. 🙂 Have a good journey home. xxxooo
Thanks Kyla, it’s great that you involved the boys in my journey. Glad you think I maintained the standard, in a way it maintained a connection with Marg, I felt good while I typed the blog. The glass of wine at our picnics was an essential component, so I had to keep that going. I had a good journey home today. I am going to enrol in a U3A Armchair Travel group and they want me to present on my travels, I have agreed and will present at a session in October. Love XXOO
A great read Russ, glad you have returned home safe.
Love Barb xx
Thanks Barb, you and Pete will have to go to Lower Glenelg National Park, you would love it. Love Russ xx