15/7/09 Arrived at 10:30am from Menindee. Rest has improved our spirits over the last couple of days. We are surprised by the temperatures here – 4 degrees last night, 14 expected today. The weather is picking up, but we are leaving tomorrow, heading for the Flinders Ranges. Our expectations were dampened a little by tourists telling us that the Flinders were flooded, but have been to the info centre and all roads are open. We may not be able to post a blog there – maybe just do some sketching instead – far less frustrating!
We are enjoying Broken Hill – have seen several galleries – Jack Absolum’s gave us the most pleasure. There are very few watercolourists here – I suppose the vivid colours inspire oil or acrylic? Our caravan park is on the main road to Adelaide, but is very quiet at night and we have enjoyed just relaxing. There hardly is a car on the road here – everyone must have gone to the coast the the winter! Silly us!
We are not interested in mine tours, but have received and read excellent brochures on Broken Hill and Silverton. For example, in January 1915, a trainload of Oddfellows arrived here and two Turkish sympathisers fired on the people as they disemarked. 3 died, 6 wounded. The only people to die in Australia in WW1.
The town is very clean, orderly, friendly people and dotted with 21 galleries, loads of eating places and cafes.
Back to mining – the line of lode here is the richest deposit of silver, lead and zinc in the world. The ore body is 7.5kms long and 250 metres wide. Over $100Billion has been generated since 1885.
Russ had concerns about the battery charger (in the van of course), but it seems to be behaving itself – but just to be on the safe side, we will head SW and maybe see the Adelaid Hills, Barossa, McLaren and Clare Valleys, so there may not be a lot to report from now on in.
Thanks to everyone for your comments and your interest.