Quobba – Gladstone

Beautiful patches of wildflowers all the way through this treeless coast and after talking to some locals at Exmouth, who loved Gladstone, but were unable to get in, because the road was closed after 16 inches of rain, so we thought after 7 nights, we’d give it a go. Sure enough, road is open now, but rough in patches.

Our new MM was caught resting under this wildflower – we’ll have to make sure he has his seatbelt on and doesn’t give the others any ideas about getting out of the car!

Surprisingly, this is the other side of Shark Bay, all for $1 pp per night. Very shallow, but interesting to see the lengths people will go to, to catch fish. Here they have a license to net fish, under strict regulations, in the hope of catching deep sea mullet and the odd yellow-tailed bream, but that’s about it, unless a dugong takes their net out! The low bay at Gladstone, houses 10,000 dugongs who feed on the sea grass in the bay. The sea grass reduces the tidal flow, which increases the salt content, which then enable the stramatolites? to survive, across the other side of the peninsula.

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